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Xpert Timeline


Xpert Timeline module allows you to display Timeline from Google Spreadsheet. You can create your own gorgeous timeline easily, using nothing more than a Google spreadsheet.

How to Build and Embed Spreadsheet

Building Spreadsheet : Build a new Google Spreadsheet using This template. Drop dates, text and links to media into the appropriate columns.

Note: Don't change the column headers, don't remove any columns, and don't leave any blank rows in your spreadsheet

Embeding Spreadsheet : Under the File menu, select Publish to the Web

In the next window, check Automatically republish when changes are made. Uncheck all other boxes. Click start publishing This will give you the URL to embed in your HTML file.

Xpert Timeline Settings


Timeline Height : Insert Timeline height, no need to write px.

Timeline Source URL : Paste Your Google Spreadsheet's HTML file URL Which one you got recently (HTML file) to Get Timeline Data.

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